Trinity Families' Campus Clean-up Event Sunday, March 30
All are invited to join us and experience the expansiveness and inclusiveness of God’s love.
All are welcome at Trinity Folsom. Learn more about Trinity, our beliefs, and our worship.
Central to our life together at Trinity is worship, which we express in spoken word, music, prayers, and ritual.
Whether praying individually or as a corporate body, in words, acts, or silence, we experience a closeness with God and one another.
We believe serving is a way of loving. There are many opportunities to get involved and serve at Trinity.
Spiritual formation is a lifelong process. We look to grow in understanding intellectually, emotionally, and spiritually.
Relationships built through through Christian fellowship, compassionate service, and mutual support, enrich our lives.
Dedicate altar flowers, altar candles, or the sanctuary lamp for Sundays and special services.
Trinity Folsom is located in the the heart of Folsom's Historic District, one block off of Sutter and Riley streets.
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All Rights Reserved | The Rectors, Wardens, and Vestry of Trinity Parish in Folsom, California