Trinity Folsom welcomes parishioners to dedicate the altar flowers, altar candles, or the sanctuary lamp for Sunday services to the memory of a loved one, in the celebration of an event, or in thanksgiving. You can submit the form below to make your dedication, or contact the church office.
Below is a list of
donations for each type of dedication:
Altar flowers - $75
Altar candles - $35
Sanctuary lamp - $25
Donations are not required, and all donations received for dedications are used to offset the cost of flowers and candles. Donations can be placed in the offering boxes on Sunday or sent through the mail to the church office. Be sure to mark “Dedication” in the memo line on your check.
The deadline for submitting a dedication for inclusion in the service bulletins is noon on the Monday proceeding the Sunday being requested.
Thank you for your dedication. You should receive a confirmation email from the office in the next several days.
Trinity Folsom is located in the the heart of Folsom's Historic District, one block off of Sutter and Riley streets.
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All Rights Reserved | The Rectors, Wardens, and Vestry of Trinity Parish in Folsom, California