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Trinity Families' Campus Clean-up Event ~ Sunday, March 30



Worship Ministries at Trinity

At Trinity Folsom, we believe that praise and worship are an energetic, active, integral link between God and God's people. Opportunities to be a part of Trinity's worship ministries are always available for those who have the desire to serve.

If you are interested in serving or learning more about a ministry, please contact the office.


Acolytes serve as assistants to the priests during Sunday and special services. They light the candles, carry the cross and Gospel book, retrieve the Children’s Chapel participants, ring the bells, and help the Celebrant prepare for communion.

Most acolytes serve once or twice a month at their preferred service, generally as part of a team of three. Duties are assigned to each position based on experience level. Training is provided for new acolytes, and they are paired with experienced acolytes who can help guide them through the service.

Altar Guild

Altar Guild members work in teams to prepare the altar and sanctuary for Sunday and special services and clean up afterwards. Experienced members on each team support and train new members.

There are four Altar Guild set-up teams at Trinity, each responsible for one week per month. Set-up for Sunday services is generally done on Saturday mornings and takes approximately one hour.

On Sundays, changeover teams of two or three take about twenty minutes to clean up and reset the altar following each of the services. Members are scheduled to serve in this capacity directly after the service they attend as their time allows. 

A/V Team

The A/V ministry is responsible for managing the sound and broadcast of Trinity’s services. A/V volunteers work from the loft, operating the sound board at each service, and managing the camera and feed for services streamed to Facebook.

Members of the A/V ministry are generally tech-savvy, but no previous knowledge or experience is required. New volunteers work with experienced members of the team until they are comfortable running the A/V system by themselves.

Volunteers typically serve for one to two services per month, arriving twenty minutes early and staying a few minutes after.

Chalice Bearers

Chalice bearers process as part of the Altar Party and assist with communion, offering the wine to those who wish to receive it.

Chalice bearers are lay Eucharistic Ministers licensed by the Bishop to administer the consecrated elements of the Eucharist. 

All required training is provided and no previous experience is needed.

Chalice bearers are usually scheduled once or twice a month at their preferred service, as their availability allows.


Music is a critical component of worship at Trinity Church. Whether you have a long background in music or are just starting out, there is a place for you in our music ministry. We work together to learn new music, blend and unify our voices, improve our abilities as singers, and offer praise to the Lord.

The 9 am Choir practices at 7:30 pm Thursday evenings and sings at the 9 am Sunday service approximately twice a month. The 11:15 am Choir practices at 7 pm Wednesday evenings and 10:20 am Sunday mornings, singing weekly at the 11:15 am Sunday services. The choirs combine for Holy Days and special occasions.

We also have a Children's Choir that sings monthly at the 9am service.

Flower Guild

Flower Guild members select and arrange the altar flowers for Sunday services, special services, weddings, and funerals.

Members work individually and are generally responsible for one Sunday each month. They also work as a team to design and implement the special decorations for Easter and Christmas. Extensive training and support are provided to all new Flower Guild members.

Flower Guild also breaks down the flowers on Monday mornings into smaller arrangements for distribution to parishioners by the Flower Delivery Ministry.

Readers (Lectors and Intercessors)

Readers serve as Lectors and/or Intercessors at weekly Sunday services, generally once every month or two. They are also given the opportunity to serve at special services throughout the year.

Lectors read the lessons of the day. Intercessors lead the Prayers of the People. Lessons and prayers are available for review in advance. Introductions and instructions are included in the copies provided in the lectern binder. First-time readers are given a brief orientation.


Ushers welcome people to church and help facilitate the flow of the service. They greet parishioners and visitors as they arrive for worship services, distribute bulletins, assist with finding seats, and release pews for communion. Ushers are generally the first people newcomers meet at Trinity, making them feel welcome, introducing them to other members, and helping them get situated.

Ushers arrive fifteen minutes before the start of the service and stay a few minutes after to clean up the pews. They are scheduled generally once or twice a month, depending on their service preference(s) and availability. Two or three ushers are scheduled at each service, and new ushers are partnered with experienced ushers for training.

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