During the program year, we have Sunday School for all ages, including adults, between the 9 am and 11:15 am services. Sunday School begins at 10:30 am and lasts until 11:05 am.
The Adult Sunday School class meets in the Parish Hall at 10:30 am.
Classes are usually led by the rector or another member of the parish clergy. Frequently designed as a series, topics for this class vary and include history, theology, scripture, contemporary issues, parish life, and special seasonal classes about holiday traditions of church and culture.
Sunday School is broadcast live through Zoom and available as a recording the following Friday. Links are published in
our electronic newsletter, the
Trinity Tidings.
We offer Sunday School classes for children from Pre-K through 8th grade. The nursery is open during Sunday School for our youngest children. High schoolers are encouraged to attend Sunday School for Adults or to volunteer in one of the classrooms.
Godly Play (Pre-K-2nd grade) and Holy Moly (3rd-5th grade) meet in the Annex, accessible through the Parish Hall.
The Middle School Class (6th-8th grade) meets in a small group room in the Parish Hall.
Look for signs in the Parish Hall to direct you to the appropriate classroom for your child.
Trinity Folsom is located in the the heart of Folsom's Historic District, one block off of Sutter and Riley streets.
Sign up to receive our weekly electronic newsletter, the Trinity Tidings, and special announcements.
All Rights Reserved | The Rectors, Wardens, and Vestry of Trinity Parish in Folsom, California